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taffy - 2017-06-03

Yes, of course I am and of course you would say that.

β€œIt's really hard to deal with a narrow-minded people that have a limited sphere of thinking, what ever you tell him/her will be twisted into falsehood, the truth will be lost and will ruin everything.”
― Bradley B. Dalina

I've always seen you as having a foggy mind, a consciousness dampened by your delirious belief that whatever finds its way out of your mouth must be true.

Dr. T was right in his recognition of you as being less than you think you are.

By over focusing on the Muslim issue of rape and sexual abuse you ignore the statistics that clearly show who the most common perpetrators really are. Yeah, that's right, family members and friends of family.

So, please show us your righteous indignation about Caucasian perpetrators. Oh yes, the statistics regarding rape and abuse in Wales is quite alarming. And, no, it's not Muslims. Maybe you could focus on that for half a minute. Hell, maybe you could even address the issue when you return home and actually make a difference.

(Hmm. Wait a minute - that's pretty doubtful. After all, you are way to hung up on your own importance to make an attempt at positive change. This is evidenced by your daily diary of drivel.)

Putting yourself in the same intelligence category and morality as Turnoi is about right- did you advise him when he chased down LG?

Don't know why you can't get this, if you have enough criminals of your own why import more? Anyway it may be an undesirable type of Welsh boyo criminal but not one that dons explosives under his dragon shirt and blows up young people at a concert to get his hands on virgins in the afterlife.

Messages In This Thread
more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- John O'Shei -- 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- heretosay -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- heretosay -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
the maladies of Empire lost -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- BeenThere -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
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