taffy - 2017-06-06
In response to nimby (FTinPRC)

British occupation and military violence in Northern Africa and the Middle East, including Pakistan and Afghanistan (and elsewhere) persisted for centuries, accompanied by the peaceful 'residency' of many thousands of non-violent Brits.

The North Africans showed violence towards whites during the Barbary Coast white slave trade. They would themselves have invaded other counties properly if they had of been powerful enough. No logical reason why the UK owes anything to Africa or the Middle East- all down to the grace of God.

Messages In This Thread
White people killed by Muslims! -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-05
Re White people killed by Muslims! -- taffy -- 2017-06-05
collateral profit -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- expat hubby -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-06
Re collateral profit -- expat hubby -- 2017-06-06
Re collateral profit -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-05
Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-06
Re: Re collateral profit -- BeenThere -- 2017-06-05
Re: Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-05
Re: Re collateral profit -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-06
Re: Re collateral profit -- taffy -- 2017-06-06
nimby -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-05
Re nimby -- taffy -- 2017-06-06
Re White people killed by Muslims! -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-05

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