View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › WaPo article "The E.U. has gotten much more popular. What happened?"
Curious - 2017-06-30

I think I know what happened. They were all looking at trump with disgust and decided that they don't want to trump the EU.

Two new surveys find that over the past year, citizens of E.U. member countries have decided that maybe this whole European idea — the ambitious postwar project to promote continental peace and prosperity — isn’t so terrible after all.

The first survey, from Pew Research Center, polled people in 10 E.U. countries. In all but one, fond feelings for the union increased, most by a sudden huge amount. Here in France, favorability rose from 38 percent last year to 56 percent this spring (an increase of 18 points). Across the border in Germany, it went from 50 percent to 68 percent. Even in Brexiting Britain, positive sentiment for the E.U. climbed from 44 percent to 54 percent.

Britain’s upcoming exit has led to political chaos and economic uncertainty, not to mention sagging consumer confidence and departing jobs. Tens of thousands of jobs may leave London’s financial sector alone. The same Pew survey found that majorities of nearly every country say Brexit will be bad for both the E.U. and Britain. Even a plurality of Brits believe Brexit will end badly for them.
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WaPo article "The E.U. has gotten much more popular. What happened?" -- Curious -- 2017-06-30
Re WaPo article "The E.U. has gotten much more popular. What happened?" -- Arthur -- 2017-07-01
Re WaPo article "The E.U. has gotten much more popular. What happened?" -- caring -- 2017-07-02
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