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expat hubby - 2017-07-03

400 knicker a week in 2017 wouldn't entice me to return to Blighty, had I property there or not! Fish and veg as a diet without fags and beer would drive me bonkers. Rather be dead, mate!

If I had a son/daughter half-Chinese, the last thing I would do is go back to Blighty to get him/her a Brit nationality. I wouldn't want him/her to suffer in the job market there after university coz of his/her racial background.

A Brit wed couple, who are teachers who can teach well and handle ill-disciplined pupils well can earn 44,000 GBP minimum a year. Now that's relatively stress-free work with a good income, but not in London, coz the house prices are too high there.


Messages In This Thread
Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- BeenThere -- 2017-06-29
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- BeenThere -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Latina in LA -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Curious -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-05
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Fifi -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-03
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Curious -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- John O'Shei -- 2017-07-01
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