View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )
Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29

You're quite right, a fool and his money are soon parted. Having said that my wife came home with a new handbag the other day- she paid five quid for it in a charity shop. It does look like a 1950's post war utility job, I'm bound to say. It's her day off tomorrow and she spoils herself in the Chinese all you can eat buffet- young folk rarely gain weight the lucky blighters.

Hahaha, in China before we were married I used to count the yogurts in the fridge every day and question her should one go missing. We used to have a sign up, a slogan "A BRITISH BANK IS RUN WITH PRECISION. A BRITISH HOME REQUIRES NOTHING LESS" Happy days.

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