Turnoi - 2018-04-22

I retired from a very active working life in June 2015. From then till today, I have continued to counsel, help and supervise current students and their research projects who had not finished their work at the point of time when I retired. My last graduate student just submitted his 742 pp. doctoral dissertation on Dhimal language and culture which is currently under review by myself as the main supervisor and a co-supervisor who is one of our former Master degree graduates and an Associate Professor at a US State University and a PhD holder today.

I have closed down the school now; it will be continued in different form and under different leadership in the 8 nations where we were represented.

There are exacltly 101 different publications, including textbooks and various research monographies, that are listed in the German National Library to my credit.

I feel it’s a good life, and I am grateful for having been given the chance to contribute a little in international education and and empower people to make a difference to their own lives and that of others. Good education, free of charge for everybody, truly is the first step to making this world a little bit better.

Messages In This Thread
Farewell -- Turnoi -- 2018-04-22
Re Farewell -- Silverboy -- 2018-05-13
Re Farewell -- Woodbine Willie -- 2018-04-23
Re Farewell -- Yanni+Z+Zack -- 2018-04-23
Re Farewell -- Turnoi -- 2018-04-24

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