View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?
Laowai - 2018-06-03

Worked for little London for 2 years. They pay on time but the 'British guy' in charge of the foriegn teachers is a obsolute loon. His mind has gone on old age and weed (not exagerating..), he is unfortunately the contact for when you get problems and sadly he causes more than solves. you can avoid contact with him altogether if you speak Chinese and can sort problems out yourself, would definitely not recommend this school to a non Chinese speaker. and also avoid if you have any teaching experience aswell, for there salaries are rather low, they provide accomodation but the savings in rent does not makeup for the slash in wages.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-09
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Laowai -- 2018-06-03
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- 807 -- 2018-06-26
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-06-29
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Scouse Magic -- 2018-07-06
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- PageWhite -- 2018-07-14
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-07-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Silverboy -- 2018-07-17
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- San Migs -- 2015-05-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-11
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Ya'el -- 2016-01-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?

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