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John - 2007-05-12
In response to HELLO GREAT GRAMMARIAN - Teachers Discussion (black serpent)

No jibes at all in what I said - just the truth, which is more than can be said of your silly, childish reply. I am no "great grammarian" - I don't need to be to say that your English is no good. I am competent and you are not and I think I need say no more than that

"Capitalisation" is the British spelling of that word. The version "Capitalization" is uniquely American. "American" English is not true English as it deviates from the English upon which it is based.

Get your facts straight and it may help you to make less of a fool of yourself than you have already done.

Incidentally I am not racist at all, it is you who sounds more racist than everyone else in the thread. I simply recognise that Asians who speak English, no matter how technically well (or badly - like you) - simply do not have the English culture necessary for a true and in depth understanding of the English language. If anyone wants to learn to speak Chinese for example, They would be wise to employ a Chinese person. If they want to learn to speak Kiswahili, they would be wise to employ an East African person and if they want to learn English they would be wise to employ an English person, certainly not an Asian. If you believe that to be a "racial" statement then you are sadly wrong and guilty of racialism yourself. It is not racial to recognise the differences that distinguish one nationality of people from another. Remarks only become racial when they are specifically aimed at discriminating against one or more people on the singular basis of their racial origins alone. Or didn;t you know that?

If I want to learn to speak a particular Asian language and I place an advertisement for a native of that particular country - and let's suppose it was your Country - would you then jump up and down and cry that I was being racial?

Please answer this question in a straightforward way without any of your silly posturing.


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Re: Thanks for your response -- Mike B -- 2004-08-08
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