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Black serpent - 2007-05-14
In response to The conclusions - Teachers Discussion (DISTRAIT)


Your post is somewhat vague but if we take it from english proficiency composition writing, this might be what you are looking for ( I am not so sure but this just might be of help).


Role of the conclusion. After establishing major supports for your topic sentence, the next step in developing a paragraph is writing conclusions. Although a conclusion is nothing more than an ending for your paragraph, it is an important part of the paragraph, because it gives a stamp of completeness to the composition and can serve several important purposes. These are:
1) To signal your reader that you have finished writing about your topic and that your essay is ended;
2) to restate the controlling idea of your composition.
3) to express a concluding judgment about what you have said in the composition;
4) to extend the controlling idea of your composition;

These are four types of conclusions that you will use most often. Those are the conventional conclusion, the judgmental conclusion, the logical conclusion, and the extended conclusion according to Spade.

a) Conventional conclusion. The kind of conclusion most often used in a short essay is the conventional conclusion. It is simply a signal to your reader that the composition is finished. You use conventional conclusions in other ways as well. If you are writing letter to someone, you don't just stop when you have finished the body(main part)of the letter. You usually put and ending on it, such as "Sincerely yours," of "Lots of love" (depending of course, on whom you are writing to).

In writing a short essay, the easiest way to develop a conventional conclusion is to restate the controlling idea in different words. When you state the controlling idea at the beginning of the essay in your topic sentence, you let the reader know what you are going to write about. When you restate the same idea in a conventional conclusion you are letting them know that you have finished writing about your topic.

b) Judgmental conclusion. There are essays that should have different kinds of ending than conventional conclusions. Some essays of opinion or judgment, for example, are more effectively ended with judgmental conclusions. A judgmental conclusion is a conclusion that expresses a value judgment(or sometime an opinion) about what has been written in the essay.

c) Logical conclusion. Occasionally you may have to develop a paragraph that requires a logical conclusion to complete it effectively. A logical conclusion is a statement of the results or the effect of what is expressed in the topic sentence and the major supports. In an essay of this kind, the controlling idea and the conclusion form a complete cause-and-effect statement,that is, the topic sentence and its major supports explain certain causes or conditions: and the conclusion explains what the result or effect of these causese or conditions will be. Minor supports are statements that explain, or prove, or give examples of, or give reasons for what is said in a statement of major support. The minor supports develop major support in the same way that major supports develop the topic sentence.
Not every point of major support needs to be developed further with points of minor support. Some major supports are complete and specific enough that they do not have to have any more explanation or detail.
Often, however, a point of major support is a broad or general statement that needs further explanation. You can establish minor supports in the same way that you develop a topic sentence and major supports: use the question-and-answer system. To develop a point of major support further by adding minor supports to it,just ask yourself a question about it such as "Why?", or "How?" or "What are the reasons?" or "What are the examples?".

d) Extended conclusion. Not unusually, in the case for themes of considerable length the conclusion part consists of more than one paragraph.

Nice day!

Messages In This Thread
The conclusions - Teachers Discussion -- DISTRAIT -- 2007-05-13
i hope this will help - Teachers Discussion -- Black serpent -- 2007-05-14
Plagerism - Teachers Discussion -- callmefred -- 2007-05-19
better than...... - Teachers Discussion -- black serpent -- 2007-05-20
Ooooh !! - Teachers Discussion -- callmefred -- 2007-05-21
and my conclusion is....... - Teachers Discussion -- DISTRAIT -- 2007-05-15
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