View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Bravo! Urging all to ignore Turnoi's limited vision - Teachers Discussion
DB - 2007-05-24

Yeah, what a bunch of garbage. In my mind this guys name is Turnoff because that's what I'd like to do to him. Furthermore, he is a real "turn off" - if you can relate to 60's vernacular. He's a China basher in the truest form.

So Turnoff, why don't you solve the problems in Russia before attempting to misrepresent the Chinese. Your view is very limited and smacks of vindictiveness and bitterness. Boo hoo,you had a bad experience as a teacher in China. Gee, what a surprise - if you speak English as bad as you write it, the school admimistrators no doubt had to oust you quickly lest they damage their reputations. My heart breaks for you. Cry me a f*****' river.

President Putin of your own country has stated publicly, when asked to respond to the question of corruption in Russia, that all developing nations must transit through many such negatives. So what are you doing to solve the problems of your "mother country?" Not a bloody thing I'd warrant.

Sure, China has problems. What country doesn't it? But in my opinion China has come a long way in a short time, and its leaders are doing what they can to overcome the damage done by decades of inanity. Social evolution is not an overnight process. Condemnation only inhibits that process. Those who condemn are short sighted naysayers.

Okay, single out the corrupt if you must and condemn them for their actions if you must. But be realistic in your condemnation and stop attacking the Chinese people as a whole. To do so only shows your limited ability to see the overall picture. Wake up Turnoff.

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Bravo! Urging all to ignore Turnoi's limited vision - Teachers Discussion -- DB -- 2007-05-24
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