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The earthling - 2007-06-08

Well now it's obvious for all to see that you are really only a catfish,not a shark,you know "thin skinned" and a 'bottom feeder', ready to lash out with your tenticles at anyone invading "your" space. You took the bait, hook, line and sinker. The fact that you chose to respond to my gentle chiding and saw it as a "challenge" speaks volumes about your personality and need you have to try to dominate these pages. You said nothing about the real substance of my posting, only that part that pertained to you. If I counted the words per posting instead of the number of postings by all those you mentioned, you would be the clear leader in this category.
Yes, I may be a smart alex (key word-smart)but I'm not an egomanic! Do you really know everything about everything? Here's what I used to say to people like you. "Well, I've been everywhere when everything was happening"
Can't wait to read your verbage in retort to this, no doubt filled with insults and threats like "the arrogant one" and Rheno. Good grief man, give it and all of us a rest!

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Fish's Data - Teachers Discussion -- The earthling -- 2007-06-08
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