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Fed Up FT - 2007-07-02

KJ, thanks for a very thoughtful post. In this flurry of retaliating slaps, I apologize for including you in similar categories with Fish and USMC. I understand your desire to defend them. If that is what you must do, fine, whatever...

What Ive been seeking here from the three of you is a tad less denial about whats happening in China. As I clearly lost sight of your more balanced take on whats going on, I feel others have done the same with me as well. I mentioned numerous times, early on, that I sincerely enjoy teaching Chinese students, university-age and adults. The multitude of hours I have spent with them in a spectrum of classroom situations has given me a bounty of reward that cannot be measured. In the classroom, my sentiments run very close to yours. I praise my students for the steps they are taking in their lives, and I thank them for the more optimistic environment they have created here than certainly what I experience when teaching back in the U S A. Chinas gifts have certainly balanced the challenges -- on most days.

However, because Ive had quite of number of teaching gigs here, I cannot deny any longer that EACH and EVERY ONE of them was riddled with ethical and professional problems. I say again and again, I love teaching in China, but I hate working in China.

I make no apology for that statement, and those feelings are reinforced on a daily basis due to a number of factors.

The latest example I am presently working part-time in a very upscale training school. My students (varying in age from 16 to 48) are absolutely outstanding. They are engaged, inquisitive and strengthening their English skills (in my opinion) for mostly the right reasons. I teach three classes on Friday evenings, and also teach from 9:00 to 19:00 every Saturday and Sunday. It is simply a marathon of teaching Im exhausted when its over but also feel rewarded, and useful. I think there is sincere good will and collaborative spirit between me and the students.

That being said, the FTs at this school have ridiculous working conditions (in my opinion), and the management of this English-learning operation is simply inept and deplorable (and as usual, speaks little or no English!). I am trying my best to work in a cooperative spirit with the manager, because she wants me to continue with the school (I presently work without a contract). However -- and oh-so typically -- when I had private meeting with her yesterday between classes, to discuss serious concerns regarding teaching materials, working environment and services (internet, photocopier, etc.), she admitted to me Frankly speaking, we dont care about the education here. Just make the students happy, OK?

This is the VERY ATTITUDE (and the polite version, at that) that has been consistent and chronic in ALL of my teaching experiences here. Therefore, it makes me laugh when USMC and Fish and others berate us for not forgiving the legacy of the Cultural Revolution, etc. Its all hooey in my opinion. The problem is simply a matter of lack of integrity, foresight, or ethics. Bad attitude and bad behavior are just that. In no way, do I just chalk these thing up to the infamous its just business philosophy. And to blame and brow-beat FTs for the bulk of the problem is to me, shameful and infuriating.

FTs are lied to, ripped-off and worse, every day in China.

Chinese people (in general), students, neighbors, et al are not what is ultimately driving me away from China. Not at all. Its the many years that Ive encountered the dogged determination NOT to improve much of anything in the public or commercial BUSINESS of education. If I truly believed that my former employers honestly wanted to do things better and actually raise the quality of education, I could perhaps conjure up quite a bit more tolerance and patience but sorry, KJ, Ive had it!

Yes, I post the things I do because as much love as I hold in my heart for China, as much as I have received so many blessings and rewards during my years here, more and more, I would NOT encourage ANYONE to come here to teach English. China faces serious problems with regards to pollution. Its a dirty shame that the educational arena here is one of the most contaminated aspects of all. China really needs to clean up its act with regards to English education (in all of its various commercial manifestations) before I would ever urge any of my fellow American citizens to venture here with a desire to offer a hand in service. Yes, the students will (mostly) work hard and be appreciative, but the overriding condition will be controlled and determined by the wrong people with bad motives. The exploitative nature of school leaders, owners and operators creates an environment where foreign teachers are mostly viewed as yet another caged animal to be marketed, displayed and paraded around for their own financial gain. English has precious little to do with any of it, in their minds. It is these people that have brought me to the very psychological place I am with it today. Im sick to be part of it anymore. I will continue to teach and assistant my students via email (as I have for all the years Ive been here), but no more schools of any kind in China for me. Period.

China is am amazing and fascinating country just DONT WORK HERE.

Messages In This Thread
Leaving China - Teachers Discussion -- eng.teacher -- 2007-06-25
Okay - Teachers Discussion -- Wonderer -- 2007-06-25
Here's the source - Teachers Discussion -- eng.teacher -- 2007-06-30
75% Don't Return - Teachers Discussion -- Tony -- 2007-06-30
your point is? - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-06-30
The Point - Teachers Discussion -- eng.teacher -- 2007-07-01
Blurry-eyed from the Beijing kool-aid - Teachers Discussion -- Fed Up FT -- 2007-07-02
it is to laugh....sincerely - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-07-02
Regrets... - Teachers Discussion -- Fed Up FT -- 2007-07-02
Thanks Fed Up - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-07-02
Thanks, and more - Teachers Discussion -- Fed Up FT -- 2007-07-02
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