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KJ - 2007-07-06

What is your hope FedUp? Are you hoping that China's leaders will wave their magic wand so that suddenly all these problems will vanish into thin air? Of course you don't. And I would also warrant that you don't believe that posting negatively about China will have that much of an affect either. Sure there is a need to discuss such issues. I discuss them myself - with Chinese and foreigners. But it is the context with which you discuss these matters that I take issue with. I see no value in negativity for the sake of negativity. In other words, I think you and others here in this forum delight in casting a shadow over China. And in the process you don't act as if you want to hang out for awhile and do anything about it. In fact, you advise others to stay away.
Moreover you stated the following:

"Can Chinese people speak out in this way -- openly -- about things they disagree with regarding their government's actions toward others -- without being punished themselves??? Of course not!"

Are you contributing to this forum from some distant past? I've been here for nearly four years and absolutely everywhere I've been - 10 provinces and counting - I've found people willing, able and unworried about speaking out on a variety of issues which you seem to think are taboo. Sure, they often do so with a certain amount of initial hesitancy, but nevertheless they do speak out. And furthermore, they do so from a point of hope for the future. Perhaps you consider that hope misplaced. You have the right to consider it that way. Personally, I'd rather see it all as a process - an unfolding destiny if you will.

Messages In This Thread
what do you hope? - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-07-06
Speaking, and SPEAKING OUT -- and more... - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-07-08
perhaps - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-07-08
OK, I see... - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-07-08
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