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Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-08-11
In response to We Were Paid - Teachers Discussion (Sittingduck)

Good to hear that everything turned out OK.

That was a very clever move you made in making connections with parents and local leaders. There's a good chance that that contributed to you being paid in the end. It's something I will definitely bear in mind if I take any summer camps in the future.

Just a few questions, though. I hope you don't mind, but the answers might be useful to other foreign teachers who work summer camps:-

1. Were you paid in full, or did they hold some of your pay back?

2. You said you were made to wait. How long did you have to wait for your money and why?

3. What exactly were these regular payments that they promised? Was it not just a ten day camp?

I'm not nit-picking- I just think the answers could be of good help to other international teachers.

All the best.

Messages In This Thread
Summer camp dilemma - Teachers Discussion -- Sittingduck -- 2007-08-05
Teaching and Business - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-08-06
Summercamp - Teachers Discussion -- Sittingduck -- 2007-08-06
Why to stay there? - Teachers Discussion -- Tis -- 2007-08-07
We Were Paid - Teachers Discussion -- Sittingduck -- 2007-08-09
That's Good News! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-08-11
Answers - Teachers Discussion -- Sittingduck -- 2007-08-12
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