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James McAllister - 2008-06-15

By virtue of the incompetence that determines the flow of their daily lives and the attendant guilt that results from a partial awareness of that incompetence, posters such as the turnip and his toddling friend can only proceed warily down their individual paths and meet at a crossroads where perception is shrouded and they must lean on each other as they diaphanously view what, for them, can only be a distorted glimpse of reality. They epitomize the expression "the blind leading the blind," and cannot offer proof to support any accusation simply because for them truth is only a hazy concept and proof would require a more substantive view of reality. Indeed, we should pity them for their foolish stabs in the dark because it is akin to being awakened unexpectedly from a deep sleep and finding that our sensory awarenesses are still somewhat dampened.

Well, I suppose the kind thing would be to help them traverse what for them is a fuzzy path through life, but I suspect that offering them a hand would only exacerbate the situation. Those with a tender hold on reality often need to find their own way out of the darkness, and once they have done so are usually much better for having done so. Meanwhile, these two must continue to hold hands while dizzily spinning in the starless night of their confusion.

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Re: I whole-heartedly agree! -- James McAllister -- 2008-06-15
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