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Yingwen Laoshi - 2008-07-12
In response to Let me finish that sentence...... (whocares)

Well done. You finished that sentence well. I agree with most of it. However, you forgot the rest. "Listen" to further conversation below:

School Leader: ...bear in mind that the mindset that called for any FT that looked the part to come to China to teach, is the same mindset that is producing many Chinese teachers of English who are burnt-out before they even teach their first lesson.

Deputy: Why are they burnt out BEFORE?

School Leader: Because those teachers are the former students who were taught to mainly just cram for exams. In class they were taught to memorize texts, often filled with archaic words and phrases that they often didn't understand unless they were translated into Chinese. Many of them found no joy in learning English because of this, and by the time they graduated, many of them were bored of English or even hated it.

Deputy: I see. So what happens when they start teaching?

School leader: Well for the most part they are instructed by the leaders of education to teach with the same methods and objectives that their teachers used to teach them. So the cycle continues, and you end up with a huge amount of exhausted automatons teaching a huge amount of exhausted automatons.

Deputy: That's a bummer. Don't some of the Chinese teachers try to break this cycle, though?

School leader: Oh, yes. Like many of their students, many want to really make a difference, but they're generally not allowed to.

Deputy: Why's that?

School Leader: Because they're generally tied up (or down) with too much extra work. Chinese college/university teachers of English, for example, often have to study for further degrees, while teaching, in order to add prestige to the school. What they study, often has little or no practical value as regards their teaching.

Deputy: Ok. Anything else?

School Leader: Yes, they're also instructed to research in order to write articles that will be published in journals.

Deputy: Isn't that a good thing, though? I mean, that research can be used to enhance their teaching, can't it? Also, they will get paid for those articles and that will top up their salaries.

School Leader: No, the research they do and the articles they write consist mostly of gobbledegook that is purely designed to sound important, thus giving the impression that the school is employing a bunch of 'Einsteins'. As for getting paid for this; for the most part, the TEACHERS have to pay for the privilege of getting their 'relevant and meaningful' articles published.

Deputy: Whew! I'm really starting to see that BMW, now! You've got me believing.

School Leader: Porsche, man PORSCHE! Where's your ambition?

Deputy: Tell me more. Build up my faith.

School Leader: Well from what I have told you, can't you see that these students are not the product of pretend FTs? They are the product of a system that has for a long time been only concerned with muddling through, keeping up appearances, and giving their students the impression that they are getting something out of their education. The great majority of English teaching in China is carried out by CHINESE teachers of English, and you can see the end product yourself. If they can achieve all of the above while maximizing their profits, then everything is hunky dory.

Deputy: ...and everything will be hunky dory for us, too. Won't it?

School Leader: Ah! Now you're catching on. See, I didn't make you my deputy for nothing, did I?

Deputy: So you're saying that this mindset is deeply embedded in the minds of the leaders of the Chinese education system, while the pretend FTs are just the latest sympton of a disease that has been in existence for a long time.

School Leader: Yes! I'd better watch out. You might have my job soon.

Deputy: I can see the Porsche! I can see the Porsche! Bring 'em on, I'm ready!

School Leader: Hold on. Get in the queue!

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Let me finish that sentence...... -- whocares -- 2008-07-12
Re: Let me finish that sentence...... -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2008-07-12
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