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Beatrix - 2004-11-01
In response to Don't use the G word !!!!!!!!!!!! (ESL_IN_ASIA)

The repeat after me from 8 line dialogues is what we used in Korea too for the older students.
According to learning theory, it is called
Phonemic Recoding, the process whereby the learner internally connects sounding out the phonemes with the grammatical meaning of the words, so relax guys, a whole lot is happening in this context.

Remember when you learned to read? You were reading out aloud simple gramatical sentences with meaning.
These sentences are usually conversations in the esl context. This is the most meaningful context to them. These students have a myrarid of bilingual texts they can study at home if they desire. If they aren't making much progress don't blame yourselves.
They are getting what they need from you, and they should be reviewing the material in their spare time.
Relax, etc. >\-|

Love from Beatrix 8)

Messages In This Thread
The ESL instructor: animal, vegetable, or ... BS artist? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
don't start a sentence with 'AND' -- q -- 2004-11-02
Depends on your point of view *Link* -- Stranger Passing By -- 2005-02-03
Rules are made to be broken. And I'll write any way I like. -- OnceWritten -- 2004-11-11
q2 "and" -- the observer -- 2004-11-03
Make sure you observe the classics too -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-03
The A#al Retentives Guide to the Great-Grammar-Icing on the ESL cake for Dummies.... -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-03
games, dummies and a#al retentives -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-03
The complete id##ts guide................ -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-03
May I.. -- Ferpectly right! -- 2004-11-04
Good point and good timing :-) -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-04
Drunk on your own verbosity! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-04
EXPOITS! Soooooo #@#!@ many o' dem! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-02
And... -- Ferpectly right! -- 2004-11-02
Different horses for different courses! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-02
The fat lady threw away the grammar book!!! -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
A fact is a fact ... but, that doesn't make it right! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
Don't use the G word !!!!!!!!!!!! -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-11-01
Oral -- Dos -- 2004-11-02
Ditto in Thailand -- Robert Newman -- 2004-11-02
ESL pedagogy continues......... -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
Bottoms Up Arrogant One? -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-01
Zitat des tages -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Ich danke Ihnen fr ....??? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
AO=Austrian dialect -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Look! He's a poet and doesn't know it! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
Das ist ein teil deines problems -- x21 -- 2004-11-01
Insightful -- A. -- 2004-11-01
The BIG picture -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-11-01
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