falutin - 2004-12-06
In response to AGE Factor (William Box)

Bill, Paul has pointed you in the right direction.
My own understanding/experience/observation: It IS a factor against you, unfortunately, as far as applying from overseas to Asian schools. However, in person it can sometimes be a different story. Also, if you are willing to just go to one of these countries, you can, with any luck get work -even a lot of work, privately. You just have to do the visa run yourself every now and again. Thailand would seem the easiest for this. I don't know about China.

Messages In This Thread
AGE Factor -- William Box -- 2004-12-05
The ageist Asians -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-06
age -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
re The Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
re the Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-07
age -- falutin -- 2004-12-06

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