The Observer - 2004-12-07
In response to hi falutin (falutin)

a) the original poster mentioned China in his enquiries.

b) you didn't. he did.

c) you're making me dizzy.

d) truce?

Messages In This Thread
AGE Factor -- William Box -- 2004-12-05
The ageist Asians -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-06
age -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
re The Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
re the Observer -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- falutin -- 2004-12-06
hi falutin -- The Observer -- 2004-12-07
age -- falutin -- 2004-12-06

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