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esl in asia - 2004-12-11
In response to the Crossword (The Observer)

Spoken like a true 16 year old. Sorry, I don't believe you junior. Come on, does your daddy know youre up at night on his computer? God only knows what that keyboard looks like.

I hate to blow your ESL tire, but I too have experience in many areas, obviously more than you. For starters, Im an engineer by trade and using ESL as a stop over... or foot into Japan. Even though this is not my main professional experience (I only have two years experience teaching), I do quite well with my children, thank you. What you mentioned is nothing I havent done already. Yes, it is a great feeling to see children go from L1 to complete sentences in English.

As I said before, Im glad you love your job. Actually, I will appreciate this experience for the rest of my life. However, I do not see ESL a career, for me. Having said that, please, by all means, stay where you are and live in your fantasies and illusions of grandeur.

You know, if you really want to be more useful than the provincial and proletarian comments you know how to deliver, you could give useful advice in this field. How does it look to new comers to this profession when they see the paragon of English teachers is....well you? Geeze, Id think twice myself.

In fact, the more I see yahoos like you, the more I want to hurry up and go to a job where people are real professionals. Ergo, they have an education and proper training and can do more than teach English. If you really want to boast, why dont you teach mathematics or some discipline that you were not given as a result of just being born in England? You are a real teacher when you have to teach something you must struggle through like your students. Although, after seeing some of your written English, maybe it was an L2 for you. You are British.

Anyway, have fun amusing yourself with your blow-up Chinese doll. Yuk!!!!

Messages In This Thread
the Crossword -- The Observer -- 2004-12-11
oh no -- Michael -- 2004-12-14
Ok junior...I'm going to tell your daddy -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-11
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