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The Crossword - 2004-12-22
In response to NanNan (L.L)

Jumpin' jehosophats! First we had some clown on here who can't string a coherent sentence together berating poor young Nan Nan for her efforts,then along came his illiterate support crew and now we are being subjected to even more sickening pretentiousness on the subject.

Listen you numbskulls, Nan Nan here expressed her concerns very clearly I thought. She wasn't claiming to able to express herself perfectly in English and she had a pretty good reason in mind for trying to express herself at all, which certainly wasn'nt just to try impress us as some others have tried so hard and yet failed so miserably to do. Here's some advice to you lot: give up.

As for Nan Nan and Garry: best of luck to you both; I'm sure you'll find something much better than what was on offer at the place you have had these problems with.

Messages In This Thread
bad school in changsha fei fan! -- nan nan -- 2004-12-20
HSKAMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL DONGGUAN - Teachers Discussion -- Jonathan -- 2007-05-29
Comment -- Best! -- 2004-12-22
SHA BI -- nan nan -- 2004-12-22
"sha bi"is you!~ -- nan nan -- 2004-12-22
?? -- nan nan -- 2004-12-22
?? -- nan nan -- 2004-12-22
Fear and paranoia! -- Gary Borck -- 2004-12-22
really easy -- citizen -- 2004-12-22
the same person!~ -- nan nan -- 2004-12-23
Don't hide Best -- Gary -- 2004-12-23
Shut up! -- james -- 2004-12-22
don't mistake what i meant -- L.L -- 2004-12-22
NanNan -- L.L -- 2004-12-22
Good English -- Impressed -- 2004-12-22
zero tolerance -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-22
Before mocking other people,check your own tolerance first -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2004-12-22
Alex dear, -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-23
Chill Out -- Be grateful -- 2004-12-22
ok...chillin'... -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-23
I mean... -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-23
The Crossword -- L.L -- 2004-12-23
...and I mean... -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-23
Thank You! -- L.L -- 2004-12-24
Stop playing the God -- Jesus -- 2004-12-22
English Schools in China! Sorry Changsha not guilty! -- Gary Borck -- 2004-12-22
Extension of Previous Policy -- The Crossword -- 2004-12-22
God Bless you(I wish) -- Jesus -- 2004-12-22
Christ -- Dos -- 2004-12-22
Interesting -- Aha -- 2004-12-22
Nannan,Your English -- Jerome -- 2004-12-20
Before laughing at others', check your own mistakes first. -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2004-12-22
Right -- Jessy -- 2004-12-22
Jerome -- Foreigner Teacher -- 2004-12-20
my girlfriend's English -- Gary Borck -- 2004-12-20
Am I to beleive you are a native speaker??? -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-20
Dumbasses? -- Reflection -- 2004-12-22
True.... -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-24
What I think -- Paul -- 2004-12-21
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