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Ken Machado - 2004-12-22

Wow! My 5 months in China is now over and all I can say is: wow! From the second I arrived in China, to the minute I left, everything went as smoothly as it could possibly have gone. I found a recruiting company online about 2 months before I left for my adventure in China. Yakup International, Co. was yet apparently successful company placing many foreifgn teachers throughout China. I looked through many ESL job forrums and could find nothing negative about them, thus feeling more secure about my decision to confrim my trip with them. Felling nervous and worried all I could think about was 'what if i got screwed over?'. Looking back on things now, there was no reason for me to be worried at all. I was greeted at the Beijing aiport by Cherry and Sarah, 2 employees of the company. Also 2 of the firendliest ladies I would meet on my trip. From there we were driven to the Yakup office where I met 4 other future teachers: 3 friendly lads from South Africa and one young woman from Montreal, Canada; where I currently go to school. We were all very excited to hear that we would all be going for dinner together as Mr. Yakup discussed where he would be individually placing us. The dinner was overand we were driven to a hotel nearby. So far, so good. Meal and hotel paid for; and the next day got only better. One of the office staff took the 5 of us for a day tour of Bieijing. We had lunch, saw some amazing things, went shopping and then back to the hotel before we were off to our respective cities the next day.

As Mr. Yakup had described to me, my little city was quaint yet interesting! The school greeted me and for the next 4 and a half months, I would be treated as a king. Everything I was told was true to the very last detail. I would be given a flat with every amenity included (in my case a 4 bedroom apartment to myself), I would work 20 hours a week, and I would be provided with all the proper working documentation. I felt lucky too. Searching for a 4 month teaching job in China wasn't easy. Most recruiting companies require a minimum of 6 months and even then the perks are not all that great. I got the time desired, the ideal working conditions, royal treatment by both Yakup's company and the school I was assigined to, and most importantly a wage that would rival many other recruiting companies. I met some great people, had the time of my life and did my job while being truly spoiled (by Chinese standards). The school I worked for was located in a poorer city; however, because it was one of the best schools in the county, I was paid quite well. I found that this was generally the case when it came to school's that Mr .Yakup would assign you to. Keeping in touch with some of the other teacher's I had met when I first arrived, they too were in a similar Chinese paradise.

Now, it's time to go back to Canada. The special treatment while back in Beijing did not change. It was as if I had gotten here for the first time again...only in reverse. I'm happy to know that I did an excellent job; and that in the future, should I ever return to China, I can and will most certainly get in contact with Mr. Yakup again. This was the first time I have ever done this, and because of Mr . Yakup, it could not have gone more smoothly. Being 20 years old and in a huge foreign city, Many things could have gone terribly wrong. Mr. Yakup was friendly, honest, and hospitable. He was responsible and very reliable when it came to important times and dates. He never tried to scam us, or take money from us for unecessary things, nor did he charge or fine us for "fees" like some other recruting companies try to do. Most importantly he was fun!

Ken Machado
#1002-1001 Richards Street
Vancouver, B.C.

Messages In This Thread
Feeling About Yakup International.............. -- Ken Machado -- 2004-12-22
Yakup -- TM -- 2004-12-28
Re:Yakup -- L.L -- 2004-12-28
Lucky -- L.L -- 2004-12-23
Yakup's new trick?or he finally got a fan ? -- Reflection -- 2004-12-23
A PRO salesman in our midst, no doubt! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-23
You are so funny AO -- Nubille -- 2004-12-23
Hilarious! -- laodeng -- 2004-12-22
Recruiter -- Foreigner Teacher -- 2004-12-22
Very funny -- Nubille -- 2004-12-22
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