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The Observer - 2004-12-25
In response to Ah, those damned parameters! (The Arrogant One)

T'day 27.15
Code Puice

There have been reports that members of the outlawed PLO (Parameter Liberation Organisation) have been infiltrating the language cunningly disguised as issues.

Members of the public are advised that if they encounter a unrecognisable parameter, under no circumstances make any attempt to try to resolve it. Attempted resolution of parameters can create a serious ripple effect in the semantological grammatical continuum, which carries with it the inherent danger of intitiating a geometrically expanding confusion coefficient, a development for which there is only ever one consequence: USD
(Universal Sensibility Destabilisation).

If you do encounter what appears to be a parameter, act strictly according to the following procedure:

1.Back away very slowly
2. Call the Semantotactical Instantaneous Response Squadron (They will arrive within half and hour or so with this robot thingy so that we can all - from a safe distance - set the parameters, resolve the issues, and get back to our shopping and housework.)


Messages In This Thread
Drawing Parameters.... -- The Observer -- 2004-12-22
Ah, those damned parameters! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-24
Breaking News -- The Observer -- 2004-12-25
...and furthermore -- The Observer -- 2004-12-22
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