disturbed - 2004-12-27
In response to True.... (Sis)

Shockingly true, yes.

Hiring a non-native English speaker for the job is exactly the same as hiring a Chinese English teacher.

As well, yes I agree that the countries you listed are NOT native English speaking at all. Furthermore, many also claim to have "dual" American citizenship, however, doesn't America only allow dual citizenship with one country? Isn't it Israel?

If someone is lying to their prospective employer, why would they expect to be hired?

Messages In This Thread
Bad English = low wages? -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
True.... -- Sis -- 2004-12-27
shockingly -- disturbed -- 2004-12-27
Small mistake there -- Observe This -- 2004-12-28
By the way... -- Observe This -- 2004-12-27
to all concerned ; Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-27
native English -- da yan jing -- 2004-12-28
Native speakers -- jack -- 2004-12-28
Going Native -- Portici -- 2005-01-13
unfortunately... -- discouraged -- 2004-12-27
TOO MANY problems ... n'est-e pas mon chr? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-28
not quite sir... -- disturbed -- 2004-12-28
Just a wee bit deeper, Mr. Disturbed! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-29
well..... -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-28

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