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The Observer - 2004-12-28
In response to Response to tje Observer (William)

well sunshine,

you can be quite sure that I spend far less time writing my meaningless crap than you spend reading it.

i don't mind Arro, there's usually something mildly amusing or interesting about his drivel, but as far as you and the other bloke go, your stuff just has the wrong end of "not very bright" written all over it.

in the case of 'observe this', the word "coward" springs immediately to mind too.

anyway, you all carry on with your half-baked attempts at frat boy cynicism, and if you don't like what i write, well don't bother reading it and commenting on it; or carry on - it doesn't affect me in an adverse way, on the contrary it just makes me love you more. i'm certainly not put off by the likes of you one bit, and never have been.

the insecure always congregate in groups, and even in your cuddly group i sincerely doubt that you would pose a real challenge of any sort.

lots of kisses.

Messages In This Thread
The Observer -- William -- 2004-12-27
Now ... now ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-28
-Like my play on words to get his goat -- Observe This -- 2004-12-27
Response to tje Observer -- William -- 2004-12-27
lil' ol' me -- The Observer -- 2004-12-28
Response -- William -- 2004-12-28
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