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Gary Harwell - 2004-12-30

My questions are these...

If you were the victim of a Mugging, Violent Assault or Rape... would you stay in the country you were teaching in or would you quit your job and return to your home turf?

It would seem that English teachers would be a Cottage Industry in most countries. As a group they are not noted as having any actual Intestinal Fortitude beyond paying lip service.

What has been your experience?

If you were mugged or attacked in your home country, where would you run?

MY experience has been that of getting mugged by three guys on my way home in Kazakhstan. I spent 8 days in a FREE hospital. The cops caught one of the muggers and I stayed and went through the court system and faced the attacker in open court. It took a year but he got three years in a dark damp prison that is well noted for emphysema, TB and a host of other diseases that produce copious amounts of Phlegm.

The job turned out to be the best job I have ever had.

Messages In This Thread
Questions on Violence Against English Teachers -- Gary Harwell -- 2004-12-30
Response to Gary H -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
must have been one of your ex students -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-30
Response again -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
I wasn't being serious...well maybe -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
"I'll moider da bum." -- William Box -- 2005-01-01
Give him a break! -- Me! -- 2005-01-01
Ok ...you got me -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Response to ESL -- Misha -- 2005-01-01
Agree and disagree -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Yeah -- Misha -- 2005-01-03
Violence Against Teachers -- Gary -- 2004-12-31
TARGETING TEACHERS -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-31
And you point is.. -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-31
?? -- William Box -- 2005-01-02
Wrong answer actually.. -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Politics and more -- Jeff -- 2005-01-03
No, I don't -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-03
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