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Gary - 2004-12-31
In response to must have been one of your ex students (esl in asia)

I take it from your comment that you think violence against teachers is not a serious subject.

I am sure the Brit who was murdered in Atyrau, Kazakhstan thought it was humorous. I'm very sure the teacher in China that got stabbed in a Church meeting was laughing all the way to the grave. And I am absolutely sure that the English teacher in Sudan who got his head chopped off said to himself, "Gee.... this is fun." There is another Brit in Atyrau who has been beaten and robbed on the same corner three times. Some people are slow learners.

I have a friend that was in one of the compounds in Riyadh that was attacked and bombed. He was blown out of his bed up against the wall and then all the glass from the window showered him. UMM... what fun...

The majority of English teachers are easy targets. When attacked the percentages are that they will be on the next plane to return home and hide...seek refuge and play the victim card. If there is no victim then the crime goes unpunished.

Some teachers run and some don't.

Messages In This Thread
Questions on Violence Against English Teachers -- Gary Harwell -- 2004-12-30
Response to Gary H -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
must have been one of your ex students -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-30
Response again -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
I wasn't being serious...well maybe -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
"I'll moider da bum." -- William Box -- 2005-01-01
Give him a break! -- Me! -- 2005-01-01
Ok ...you got me -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Response to ESL -- Misha -- 2005-01-01
Agree and disagree -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Yeah -- Misha -- 2005-01-03
Violence Against Teachers -- Gary -- 2004-12-31
TARGETING TEACHERS -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-31
And you point is.. -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-31
?? -- William Box -- 2005-01-02
Wrong answer actually.. -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Politics and more -- Jeff -- 2005-01-03
No, I don't -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-03
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