cockney caribbean - 2004-12-31
In response to intersting Dialect (Gary Harwell)

Hi Gary

Thanks mate, for the compliment about 'ow I speak.I really think you're a cool guy ,'cos ya care about people ,an' ya trying to get ESL teachers together to 'elp each other.

I don't fink it matters where anybody comes from ,it's wots in peoples 'earts that matters ,'an I think ya got a 'eart o' gold mate,'an i'm sure i'm not the only one 'hoo thinks that way,so "nuff respeck my man 'ol'ya karna" as my
'ol man would say!!!

I'm looking forward to getting over to China , to teach some REAL ENGLISH. I've 'eard the Chinese students have been taught colluqy...er!

collie.....um ...not standard English because I've met little Chinese students over in lun'nun on exchange visits with Scouse ,Cockney and Geordie accents !!! straight up mate!!! no joke ,I'm not 'aving a bubble.

Anyway as Dennis Brown once sang "Stap ya fussing an ya fighting brodders ,nows de time fi uniting......a chain is as strong as it's weakest link".

So all us ESL teachers oughta stick together lioke! "Strictly level vibes ,one love 'an a big up to the ESL massive everywhere!!!

Messages In This Thread
Hotmail -- Whiteman -- 2004-12-28
Me come fi tan up -- sugerman -- 2004-12-30
Cum fi boom up de place!! -- cockney caribbean -- 2004-12-30
intersting Dialect -- Gary Harwell -- 2004-12-30
Thanks -- cockney caribbean -- 2004-12-31
Fun -- cockney caribbean -- 2004-12-30

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