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Sheldon - 2005-01-01
In response to Doubt about EVU. (Interesting)

Dear Mr Interesting

I can feel that your really hate recruiters who provides your services. Of course I dont know where your feeling comes from. GEVU is an organization, which is a service platform bridging our partner schools and the ones who would like to teach in China. We offer paid positions for those who are experienced and well trained, and also we find opportunities for new comers for placement.

Chinese schools pay recruiters 4000RMB per foreign teacher, if he is a volunteer, 7000RMB per teacher I hope so!! I am quite happy if you can give me a hint to find those schools. You think everyone is a business man? You think every school in China is rich enough to pay 4000RMB? 7000RMB? A lot of schools in China do not have enough teaching staff and lots of them even do not have rooms for teaching and learning. GEVU has NEVER taken a penny from ANY of our partner schools. B.T.W, we have more than one thousand partner schools and universities.

We are helping schools and we are helping those who want to have opportunities to teach, either as a volunteer or a paid worker. If you are well-trained, experienced teacher, we can find you a place to stay and enjoy your overseas career (If anyone like you, putting word like asshole, will not be accepted in our partner schools. Do not know how to use English words, how you can teach our students??)

How can we make a living? I dont really need to answer this question as it is not something you need to worry about. However, I can make it very clear for everyone visiting this site that we are non-profit organization; it does not mean we can not make profits. As an organization limited by guarantee in the UK, we are trying our best to make good use of any penny we have for Charity purposes or helping educational projects in developing Countries for FREE! While I am saying that, it is still not clear for you, where is our money from? Dont you think individuals who benefit from our services should make their contributions? I dont mind if you dont want to benefit from our services, but please stop complaining by using words which are not suitable to reflect a good image of good teachers. Anyone is welcome to join this organization, I am sure you will feel at home here, you will make your contribution if you are happy, and we will deliver our first class services for both schools and EFL teachers.

If anyone has any questions, you are very welcome to send me emails for discussion.


Messages In This Thread
Teaching English in China. Link -- Global Educational Volunteers Union -- 2004-12-27
Doubt about EVU. -- Interesting -- 2005-01-01
where is your feeling from ?? Link -- Sheldon -- 2005-01-01
Mr Shu Wang=A Recruiter -- Nada -- 2005-01-01
And the Chinese students???? -- Gerald -- 2004-12-28
Benefits of volunteering teaching in China Link -- Sheldon -- 2005-01-01
Slave Labor -- Old Spice -- 2005-01-01
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