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esl in asia - 2005-01-01
In response to Response to ESL (Misha)

Actually, the decoy money worked for me. The kid that pulled the gun on me in Cincinnati got so nervous, as it was daylight, that he just took my $5 and ran. However, if you read what I said, there are many tricks to use, thats just one of them.

You are right that some places are safer than others. However, you and Gary were generalizing whole countries and cities. I didnt think that was fair and to a degree that is racist and nationalist.

I just wanted to point out that travel has its risks and being a foreigner has its risks, but nothing that you cant prepare for with common sense. Sometimes people just dont understand the risks. Then when a bad thing happens, they blame the whole country, people or system. That is unfair and outright stupid. Thats why I wanted to point out that you can find it in your own country. We need to be careful how we point our proverbial fingers to assign blame.

Messages In This Thread
Questions on Violence Against English Teachers -- Gary Harwell -- 2004-12-30
Response to Gary H -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
must have been one of your ex students -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-30
Response again -- Misha -- 2004-12-31
I wasn't being serious...well maybe -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
"I'll moider da bum." -- William Box -- 2005-01-01
Give him a break! -- Me! -- 2005-01-01
Ok ...you got me -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Response to ESL -- Misha -- 2005-01-01
Agree and disagree -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-01
Yeah -- Misha -- 2005-01-03
Violence Against Teachers -- Gary -- 2004-12-31
TARGETING TEACHERS -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-12-31
And you point is.. -- esl in asia -- 2004-12-31
?? -- William Box -- 2005-01-02
Wrong answer actually.. -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Politics and more -- Jeff -- 2005-01-03
No, I don't -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-03
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