View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Mannfred Wilhelm AKA Manfred Wilhelm
Scott - 2008-09-20
In response to Re: scam on esl teachers 419 (Paul)


September 20, 2008

I too received several emails from Manfred Wilhelm, who's currently working for Mercedes-Benz UK ... if we are to believe that! He spun the same story as indicated in previous entries: Wife's dead - cancer; two kids, 10 and 13; $5000/mth + rent-free apartment for 24 hours' teaching per week etc etc.
It sounded like a great deal, but I had a sneaking suspicion it was a fraud. I must admit that I foolishly sent my telephone numbers, some pics and a copy of my degree when I received a sample contract from Mr "Wilhelm". But the contract looked so professional. (I'm looking for work so I took a chance!)
I checked the address at the top of the contract via GoogleEarth. I think it's Mercedes-Benz UK. But it's supposed to be his home address! That didn't add up. I then googled the name and came across this site.

Here's a copy of the "contract" I received:

#6 Delaware Drive, Tongwell, Milton Keynes MK158BA, United Kingdom.
mannfredwilhelm@yahoo.com, +447045795687.

Date: 20th September, 2008
Attention: Mr. XXXXXXXXXX,


Contract obligations:
For the Purposes of this contract, I Mr. Manfred Wilhelm will also be known as the employer, and XXXXXXXXX, will also be known the employee. Both will also be known as parties. The employees contract period shall be one year, beginning in October of 2008 and concluding 365 days later (one calendar year). The contract may be mutually extended.
For the contract period, the salary will be $5000 (US Dollars) per month, tax free and free of any other costs. The salary is to be paid promptly on the 15th day of each month, $5000 in each case. The salary will be in United States dollars, and will be immediately available to the employee for deposit into a private employee bank account. In addition to the stated salary, the employer will pay, for the contract period, all costs pertaining to employees medical and dental insurance and private furnished two bedroom apartment housing. The private housing will be of a reasonable nature for the employee's comfort i.e., air conditioning/heating, local telephone, electricity, Internet, water, gas. The employee will maintain provided housing in the condition received. Any new damage caused by employee negligence will be repaired at the employee's expense, at a reasonable market value for materials and labor.
In the case of employee (medical) emergency, the employer will grant up to 10 days of unpaid leave time to the employee. Airfare back to the city/country of origin will be provided at the discretion of the employer.
The employer will provide any materials (books, photocopies, internet, software, stationary, etc.), and transportation costs related to the execution of employee job responsibilities.
A paid leave time of three weeks shall be provided by the employer, not including National holidays. Leave time may be taken by the employee all at once or in parts, at anytime within the contract period, but shall be mutually agreed upon.
The employee will be responsible for teaching English Language in particular to classes of no more than two students. In general, the employee will teach all core aspects of English as a Second Language as well as Academic Skills, as needed. Computer Assisted Language Learning will be used to augment lesson plans when suitable. Students will be given regular feedback on homework, in-class exercises, and tests.
For the contract period, the employee will make any and all efforts to teach in a manner that is professionally conducive to learning. The adoption of any suggestions by the employer as regards teaching will be at the sole discretion of the employee, who is an acknowledge expert in ESL pedagogy. However, all such suggestions will be given due and professional consideration so as to provide the best possible working relationship between parties. The employee will meet at least monthly with the employer for performance reviews.
Employees style of teaching should be Socratic and inductive, and thus does not involve an authoritarian or military approach. As such, any demand by the employer for a military approach to teaching will be deemed as an instance of contract breach.
The employee is required to work four hours per day, from Monday to Saturday. Any mutually agreed upon additional work shall be compensated at the rate of $65 per hour.
If the employee does not or cannot fulfill contract obligations due to grievance, all sincere efforts will be made by both parties to settle the grievance in a mutually satisfactory way.
In the case that the employer is meeting all contract obligations, an employee breach of contract in excess of 10 days, without resolution, will result in employee repatriation at the employees expense. The employee is entitled to any earned salary that occurred before termination.
In the case that the employee is meeting all contract obligations, employee will be released from this contract if the employer does not or cannot live up to contractual obligations outlined herein. In the case of employer contractual breach exceeding 10 business days, the employer will promptly (i.e., within 3 days) provide airfare back to the employees city of origin and also pay all remaining employees 12 months salaries.
If any other version of this contract exists in any other language, this English version shall take precedence.
A copy of this contract shall remain with a legal representative of the employee in the country of origin.
If the employer is pleased with work done at the end of the contract period, a bonus of 1 month's salary will be granted, and/or a new contract is re-negotiated. The employer will also provide a letter of recommendation for future use of the employee.
Once signed, this employment contract may not be altered by either party unless reciprocally agreed upon by both parties as being mutually beneficial.
By signing this contract, signatories acknowledge that they have read and understand its contents and will abide by its obligations.
Honesty and brotherly care are expected from both parties.


Mr. Manfred Wilhelm


I reported this scam to The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. If you are contacted by "Mr Wilhelm", please contact your relevant authority.

Messages In This Thread
scam on esl teachers 419 -- daryoosh hayati -- 2008-02-20
Re: scam on esl teachers 419 -- mannfred -- 2008-03-04
**SCAM 419 on esl teachers** -- The Owl -- 2008-03-04
Re: scam on esl teachers 419 -- robby -- 2008-03-03
Re: scam on esl teachers 419 Mannfred Wilhelm and Penny Anderson from Virginia -- Mark Todhunter -- 2008-03-26
Re: scam on esl teachers 419 -- robby -- 2008-03-04
Re: scam on esl teachers 419 -- Paul -- 2008-04-04
Mannfred Wilhelm AKA Manfred Wilhelm -- Scott -- 2008-09-20
Re: Mannfred Wilhelm AKA Manfred Wilhelm -- Dave Uk -- 2008-11-13
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