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thinking - 2008-09-21
In response to Re: Contemplating a runner (MyFace)

This is why I so rarely post here. I also get tired of sanctimonious types like "What me worry" or whatever the heck his name is. I wanted to keep my post short; that's why I left so few details. The school has treated me miserably. I've been lied to right to my face on at least a dozen occasions, denied salary I was promised, told I was being placed in the "best school in the city" when it is in reality one of the worst and been jeered at by obnoxious 13 y/o boys who treat me like a monkey in a zoo and not an actual human being. Reasoning with the FAO just ain't gonna happen. Other folks have already run from here. I know it doesn't excuse it but it shows how bad things are. Don't talk to me about crap like "honor." I've seen precious little of it here despite all the talk. From both Chinese AND foreigners. I have tried absolutely everything I can here and would never run unless it was as a last resort, trust me. What damn business is it of yours anyway? Don't even attempt the "it makes us all look bad" excuse. It's lame and not true. Maybe my running will prompt the school to take a long look in the mirror. All I want is the facts not a lecture. I can call my mother if I want something like that. I can live with myself and my decision. OK?

To those who answered my questions: thanks. To the others, respectfully,p*** off.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Contemplating a runner -- MyFace -- 2008-09-21
Re: Contemplating a runner -- thinking -- 2008-09-21
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