William Box - 2005-01-04
In response to move on kid (esl in asia)

"Give it a rest junior and go find another forum. We both have worn out our welcome on an ESL MESSAGE BOARD. "

I will, if you will. I mean "go find another forum".

Messages In This Thread
How about your dialect? -- William Box -- 2005-01-02
Better, actually -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-02
Propaganda -- William Box -- 2005-01-03
move on kid -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-04
I dont watch it. -- William Box -- 2005-01-05
Promise? -- William Box -- 2005-01-04
Read my offer please -- esl in asia -- 2005-01-04
Offer -- William Box -- 2005-01-05

Go to another board -