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William Box - 2005-01-04

You enjoy cloaking yourself in the anonymity of the Internet. So, I can only identify you via the ESL in Asia tag. I've decided to give you a Japanese name. Well, actually, I'm having a very difficult time deciding WHICH Japanese name I'll give you.

However, since you're the Canadian version of the "Ugly American," I can only hope you've taken time to learn a little about Japanese history, culture, language, art, etc.

I've narrowed the names to two.

CHIKAN (which I've used previously)
BURAKUMIN (perhaps a new word for you)

Ask and I'll provide definitions for you.

Henceforth, you shall be known as Burakumin.

Have you read the KOJIKI?
Know any Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji or Romajii?
Are you literate in Japanese? Taken the Japanese exams for ANY level of proficiencey? Fare well?

I doubt it. I belive one must know approximately three to five thousand kanji's to be considered literate. Know at least two thousand kanji's to read a newspaper.

When you're riding the Shinkansan from Tokyo to Osaka do you read the Asahi Shimbun or anime? Ever hear of Mangajin?

I just thought of the perfect job for you! Picking up urine soaked cigarette butts off the floor of the men's room at Shinjuku Station! Burakumin have these kinds of jobs, you know.

"By the by, thanks for the complement, I like John Kerry. Yes, Im picking on your blood brother because he entered this board putting politics on an ESL message board: Republican politics as well."


Actually, boy, I don't know Mr. Harwell. Ah, but he commited the cardinal sin. He brought REPUBLICAN politics to YOUR esl board! And, HOW DARE HE have a different political viewpoint from yours!

"Since you like clichs and to rip off quotes from better men, then heres one: actions speak louder than words. Go sign up in the US Army. You are the right age arent you? You want to be a patriotic American dont you? Then please spare us your insufferable keyboard and REALLY be a trooper. Go volunteer for Iraq. Dont wimp out sonny."

NOUN: Slang 1. A theft.
2. A thief.
3. An act of exploitation.
4. Something, such as a film or story, that is clearly imitative of or based on something else

Please tell me how I ripped off a quote?

By the way, you forgot to give us the name of the person you were quoting with your "actions speak louder than words" quote. Does that mean that you "ripped" off a quote?

No, I don't WANT to be a patriotic American. I AM a patriotic American. Are ther ANY patriotic Canadians?
Oh, btw, I think we killed more Canadians during the Afgan war than Taliban! What a terrible loss.

'As JFK said: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Sacrifice of one's blood is the ultimate price. Go for it sporto!!! Hup to three four...

You quoted JFK because he was a democrat.
However, your profound ignorance about anything American, especially American history, has blinded you to the fact that if JFK were president today he would be a REPUBLICAN! American politics have change condsiderably over the past forty years. The right is the left and the left is the right. Damn, there's that patently, blantently, offensive word again. Republican.

The word that Gary Harwell used that so incensed you that you sentenced him to death!

Such a shallow, narrow minded little prick you are!
And a liberal, too. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all - except Gary Harwell?

Ya know, you guys are rather smart. You get to live your carefree, unimportant, ignominious, noncomittal little lives and everyone pays for it.... but you.

After all, only conservatives need die for freedom!

Messages In This Thread
Your pegs in the wrong hole -- William Box -- 2005-01-04
score -- score keeper -- 2005-01-04
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