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Li Bai - 2008-12-02
In response to China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away (prefer not to say)


I'll be a bit more gentle than SMACK (not a good name if your colleagues are ex-police officers, but that's beside the point).

The situations you describe at this particular institution are perfectly NORMAL for most Chinese schools.

A quick review of your concerns: Salary late or incorrect -Normal. At least you get paid. Sometimes a school will keep the money in the bank to take advantage of the banking system (more interest for the company) or so I have been told. But it is a normal situation.

Old, outdated material - Normal. Every teacher in China faces the same problem. The system is locked in a time warp and the teachers like to do things the 'traditional' way. You have often heard 'China is a country 'rich in tradition' and it's true. It just can't get out of second gear. Change is not on the agenda. If it ain't broke (even though it may be) don't fix it (because we're not ready for something new yet or we just plain don't know how).

Not accepting suggestions from foreign teachers. Normal. An endless source of frustration for FT's because 'That's just the way we do it in China'. Almost every 20 something-year old foreign teacher has more grey hair than he or she wants over this one. Chinese solution to this problem -"Don't worry, be happy". Probably the worst song ever penned by mankind, but it seems to be their anthem. And remember, frustrations and anger are bad for your health. Drink a cup of tea and the world will be all right.

Learning, per se, is not on the agenda. Our real job is to entertain and keep the kids happy. Smiling faces sometimes don't tell the truth but they sure bring in the bucks.

Waiting for them to get out of their own way or discussing a problem to death - then bringing it back from the dead just to take forever to kill it again - Normal. My experience has been it is a matter of who gets to make the final decision and even if someone else has a great idea, they must not make a higher up 'Lose face' or appear to be incompetent. The trick is to let them do what you want them to do and give them all the credit. Annoying sometmes, but easy if you can get what you want.

Marketing inconsistencies. Normal. Most Chinese marketing people are not aware of new marketing concepts. It's a combination of the time warp and they Chinese way of doing things. Just take a look at the television advertising. You don't need to understand Chinese to see what I mean.

I will take serious issue of the comment about lazy staff. For the most part, Chinese teachers are overworked and underpaid compared to our jobs. The ones on the bottom of the totem pole, usually the females, catch hell from both sides. They have one job - "Shut up and do what you're told". Try to consider what time that person may have gotten home the night before (if it's work related) and the obligations they may have at home (family etc..)
I have no sympathy for any male sleeping off a "Gambei" hangover, but I hold in highest regard the work that some of these women do.

When you think about it, are you really WORKING? If so, it won't kill you. But like some (hey, I said SOME!) of us, probably not. Sit back a give your school a real good look and you may find you're better off than you realize. And try to be a little cautious before jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Messages In This Thread
China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2008-11-30
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Joe -- 2012-11-30
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Re: Money Warning: New Dynamic Institute (NDI) -- Mr Unpaid -- 2013-10-10
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-12-07
Re: China: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kevin -- 2011-12-08
Re warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-20
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Yoyo Ann -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- waltonsran -- 2011-12-19
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- John -- 2011-03-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- George -- 2011-06-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-21
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Dragonized -- 2011-03-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Tom -- 2011-03-17
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Lazy Guy -- 2010-08-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- charles telae -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- PROFFESIONAL ESLER -- 2010-05-06
Re: warning NDI Shanghai stay away, iyo only! -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-05-10
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- mini_me -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Winston -- 2009-09-26
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- HireEd -- 2009-08-07
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Daniel Tadd -- 2009-08-08
"hiccup" you call it? -- HireEd -- 2009-08-08
Re: "hiccup" you call it? -- joshwhiltz -- 2010-07-01
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-04
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Li Bai -- 2008-12-02
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- EslTeacherDS -- 2010-07-16
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- tit4tat -- 2011-03-22
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-23
Re: warning new dynamic institute NDI stay away -- prefer not to say -- 2009-08-19
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