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Andy - 2008-12-04
In response to Re: Jiaying University Incompetence (Turino)

imposture n.
The act or instance of engaging in deception under an assumed name or identity.
impostor (imposter) n.
One that assumes a false identity for the purpose of deception.

I used the word "imposture" quite cleverly I think to shed light on the fact that since you fail to use your true identity that you only exist through your actions. Naming your deceptive actions an "impostor" would suggest that I recognize you are a human and would be anthropomorphic. Seeing that you have no sense of poetics or metaphoric use of speech I will try to keep any future posts as simple as possible. However, if you want to learn more about poetics I suggest you begin by reading Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

Messages In This Thread
Jiaying University Incompetence -- Joanne -- 2008-11-17
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Andy -- 2008-11-20
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Andy -- 2008-12-01
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Dr James -- 2008-11-30
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Andy -- 2008-12-02
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Turino -- 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Andy -- 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Turino -- 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Turino -- 2008-12-05
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- Phil -- 2010-04-19
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence -- englishgibson -- 2010-04-21
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