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Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-13

I was recently speaking to someone at a University about a position with them and their school. Upon reading the contract, I found some things I did not think were so reasonable. Upon raising my concerns, and saying what I would like, the person insulted me, and told me to have a good day.

Now, all I asked for was that they provide me with internet in my apartment, and cover the cost, as wel as the cost of local calls. We all know how poorly Universities pay, and this one was no exception. however they usually make up for their poor pay by covering the costs of everything, from living to utilities. When they stop doing this, well, what are the perks than?

I should add that, they also expected me to pay my own expenses for traveling to HK for a visa, though they are the ones who wished me to go. I found this unfair. If I am the one having to make a trip to get a work visa for my job, the job should be covering the expense. They refused.

Therefore I ask you all, what is reasonable to ask of a school? Should we just overlook penny pinching of this nature, when our pay is extremely low?

What is reasonable? Firstly, internet in our home paid by the school, is this reasonable or unreasonable?

I think it depends on what you are being paid. however, for a Uni job, totally reasonable. Why? Low pay, a market that seems to support this, since most Uni's offer this.

They also refused to cover my phone, only local calls. They proceeded to say no University in Wuhan provides free internet and local phone. Iknew this was not true, and said as much.

What say you, free phone coverge for local calls a perk that should be included, should we have to pay for it? I say for Universities, not. As for oher schools, depends on the pay and other benefits.

What about visa expenses? I think any and al schools should cover all costs, including any travel you must do to get said visa. After all, the visa is for their school, to work for them. Why should I be required to pay the bill when it is for their sake, for their rules? Of course you should not have to, for any school. What say you?

These may seem like little things, but they add up believe me. Give an inch they will take 10 miles, believe that.

I also firmly believe there is no harm in asking. If there is, than you don't want to work for that school anyhow.

Please everyone, share things you feel are reasonable, and unreasonable, for schools to offer, or ask of us, could prove interesting.

Messages In This Thread
What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- Not surprised anymore -- 2009-01-13
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- doesitmatter -- 2009-01-13
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- The Enlightened One -- 2009-01-13
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- druther not say -- 2009-01-13
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- doesitmatter -- 2009-01-14
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- druther not say -- 2009-01-14
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- doesitmatter -- 2009-01-14
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school? -- Not surprised anymore -- 2009-01-14
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