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An Inquiring Mind - 2005-01-22
In response to I forgot to mention (Mr. Pedersen)

> I did come to China with my wife, but after what we saw we dedided
> not to sign. Instead we took the opportunity to go sight seeing and
> went back home after 3 weeks. China is a fascinating place. W visited
> quite a few places Beijing is good, Henan is nice but dirty, Xian's
> terracotta warrior site is great, Hubei(where I was supposed to
> teach) is still laidback nothing much.But a far as teaching is
> concern it's a .....No no no no no.

> I just don't want to be a paraded as a White Monkey or Ape to deceive
> the students. Sorry China, your education system is all wrong.

To Mr. Pedersen.

I really don't have the time to tell you what is wrong with Norway. However, I do have the time to tell you a few things I don't necessarily like about you.

Dear Mr Pedersen, please tell us why China's "education system is ALL wrong?"

You're using a rather broad brush to paint a picture of incompetence for the Chinese system, are you not?

Why did you come to China. The real reason is obvious, to sightsee.

Most of you people(White English Teachers) are merely whiners. First, you're too damned lazy to do due diligence. You post to this board wanting information on everything from visa requirements to the local weather forecast.

You spend a few hundred dollars, in some cases a few thousand dollars, and someone who is IN IT FOR THE MONEY (another common theme used to denigrate the Chinese) confers upon you a certificate/degree that you earned(?) in a four week crash course and suddenly - KAZAMN! You are a freakin' expert on language, culture, history, government and the meaning of life!

Then, when you have a job (an EMPLOYER), you whine, piss and moan about having to do YOUR JOB by the rules established by YOUR EMPLOYER! This IS a JOB.
You are being PAID to teach. Do what the BOSS tells you to do. You came to China to TEACH ENGLISH. Well, damn it! TEACH ENGLISH! Who the hell told you that you would have any input, say into how the process would work? If you don't like the system, GO HOME! Thank goodness, you are doing the right thing and going back to Norway.

None of you was conscripted, drafted, or shanghaied!
You VOLUNTEERED! Stop trying to change a country, culture, people that has survived more than eight thousand years without any interference from you!

You (Mr Pedersen) could not teach the Chinese ANYTHING. Your arrogance and condescension toward China/Chinese is quite apparent and in no way enables you to teach them ANY subject. Your ignorance and your bias render you totally ineffectual as a teacher.

"White Monkey, Ape" This allusion to the "racists Chinese" is totally uncalled for............. your own racial prejudice and discrimination aside.

Go back to Oslo.

Messages In This Thread
Who cares about the Chinese students? -- just a normal guy -- 2005-01-21
I appreciate Pedersen's honesty! -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-23
I do -- Mr. Pedersen -- 2005-01-21
I forgot to mention -- Mr. Pedersen -- 2005-01-22
comments -- Felix -- 2005-02-04
Norwegian Sightseers -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-22
Thank you -- Mr. Pedersen -- 2005-01-23
A bizarre response . . . -- Observer -- 2005-01-23
norwegian sightseers -- bethanael -- 2005-01-26
A good teacher is................. -- Gary Harwell -- 2005-02-04
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