Truth - 2005-01-23
In response to The Quality of English Teachers in China (An Inquiring Mind)

Yes, you are right there are many people who come to China for the wrong reasons. But there are many people who come for the right reasons. Some people come because they are interested in one aspect of China, but then they are surprised by the many others. For example, someone comes to China to study the Chinese Economy or Confusionism, but they are surprised and disgusted by some other things. Therefore, they will complain about the things they don't like, and they have a right to.

No one is trying to change China except the Chinese. The Chinese want to change China. They decided to change the economic system. They decided to invite thousands of foreigners over to China. They decided to pay lots of money to have foreigners teach their children the language and culture of the West. The Chinese did all of this. No one forced them, they wanted it and so it is.

Yes, we work and complain about the employers. Why? Because they promise us many things and write a nice contract, but they never follow through with what they promised and they don't always follow contracts. They often "cut corners" to save money, many times THE COMPANY, will sacrifice quality and good education to save some RMB. The foreign teachers dont due this! We are just the workers, we are contract workers, not servants or hourly workers. We work on a contract. The employer and employee should both follow the contract they signed. The employer should not try to cheat the teacher!

Yes, many teachers just have a certificate. But, many teachers also have a BA degree. And some, even have alot of experience, it is the employers job to decide who is qualified and who is not. If they hire someone who is not qualified, then it is the employers fault because they should do thorough interviewing before hiring. That is with any company or employer, they should know who they are hiring!

Yes, we do teach English. But sometimes there are problems with different styles of teaching. We just want the children to have fun and learn. We don't want to be stage performers or advertisements, we are people. We were hired to come to China to teach our language and our culture. If they dont want us to teach the Western way (CELTA style for example) then why don't they just hire some Chinese teachers who speak English to do it?

We never tried to be rude or arrogant. We don't point and say "look a Chinaman!" , but Chinese people, even in big cities, point at us and say "LAO WAI , LAO WAI" , as loud as they can! I can name about 100 things that just are disrespectful, not to Westerners or Chinese, but to all people in general. We put up with it, but we do complain about it. You say if we dont like it, then dont come. Well, maybe there are some things we do like, and some things we don't like. Again, we were invited here to work, we didn't force our way into the country, we were convinced to work here because we were told about all the beautiful things about China and how great it is.

We have the right to complain! There are many things that happen that are not right. There is no real union of foreign teachers here, so we have no one to help us if our employers breech contract. All we have is our fellow foreign teachers on this website. We are not trying to change China, it is China that wants to change.

Messages In This Thread
The Quality of English Teachers in China -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-22
Response -- Truth -- 2005-01-23
Western Influence (crybabies) -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-30
Western Influence (crybabies) *NM* -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-30
Well said Truth! # -- Dos -- 2005-01-23

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