Johan - 2005-01-23
In response to Visa advice for China (Dos)

I am so sad that I did not read your information with regards to Vis.
I came to china with a "Z" visa. I was employed by a company Star Education in Changchun, Jilin province. This company treated me and other Foreign teachers like S-h-i-...
Well 1 of them left the country already, after threats from the company. I try to stick it out, now they refuse to hand me back my passport, and demand that I give them 2000USD to get my passport back, which I refused. I am now travelling between different departments, and cannot find a person responsible enough to get my passport back. Unfortunately I am far from Beijign and therefore far from my Embassy. If you can assist me I will appreciate it. I believe that I am a good teacher, and would like to stay longer in China, but this Star Education is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth.
You can also contact me on my mobile 13500975013
I am of to bed, as I will travel tomorrow yet again to Changchun, 400km away, to see another official who will talk again.

Messages In This Thread
Visa advice for China -- Dos -- 2005-01-22
Fantastic! -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Help -- Johan -- 2005-01-23
Re: Help - Star International in Changchun -- MiddleMan -- 2008-01-21
Get your Embassy on it! -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Green books -- Ryan W. -- 2005-01-23
Green books? -- Observer -- 2005-01-23
new green books -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Thanks! -- Dos -- 2005-01-25
long term visas -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-01-25
Interesting... -- Dos -- 2005-01-28
long term visa -- bethanael -- 2005-01-28
Not that I'm aware of.. -- DOS -- 2005-01-23
Spot On! -- An Inquiring Mind -- 2005-01-22

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