View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"
Alexander - 2009-04-24

The contract that he will send you online is not the same as the contract the school will eventually make you sign.
I was promised a nice big western style apartment.
Instead, I had to spend 3 hours scrubbing a filthy little hovel that had a sewage problem and leaking hot water.
When they say free internet, don't think that's a free computer as well. You will probably just get a dial-up connection.
They say the school will pay for everything... yet I still had to pay for another medical, and also for taxis and buses to and from schools, (even though the contract says the school provides transport.)
When i confronted the school with these issues, they just laughed and said that Chris Johnson/Lester, just says anything to get his commission for getting you signed up and shipped out to China.
You should research Harbin as well, it is freezing cold, and very isolated.
Mate, just trying to give you a heads up, coz when you get there it's too late. I would suggest that you go into China and find a school yourself. You can negotiate your price, and probably get accommodation too if you can bargain with them. Remember that Chinese are extremely shrewd and thrifty businesspeople, and most of the time you will just represent a walking money tree... try to talk to some other teachers and see where they are teaching....don't ever rely on the word of a recruiter...trust me...don't take a chance with China, every picture they paint you is grossly exaggerated. Good luck mate....just research. Put the time into finding a good school and it will be worth it.

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