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Chunping Alex Wu - 2005-01-28
In response to Me Too (Old Spice)

Hi, Jim & Spice:
I'm very sorry for the rudeness you've met. I was born and brought up in China. 33 years ago, I emigrated to Canada. Since 1998, I went back and taught in the last 6 years. The same happened to me, too. I don't think what happened to you was a cultural problem. It's an educational problem. Due to the lack of oral practice, most of the staff in schools would shy away. I usually suggested them to practice with us, but in order not to show their deficiency, most of them would try to avoid if it's not necessary. Among all the schools I had been, only one university offered me chances to lecture where I would introduce the necessary manners and courtesies that one supposed to observe in the public. But not all schools could afford. I do wish that we teachers from abroad should try to introduce the kind of good behaviors to our staff and students. They are also a part of western culture that we are invited to pass.
Alex Wu

Messages In This Thread
In defence of teachers in China. -- James Martin -- 2005-01-26
Me Too -- Old Spice -- 2005-01-26
Sorry to hear that, -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2005-01-28
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