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Fidel - 2005-01-30

This week a large company here in China experienced what happens when they try and screw a large number or foreigners in the company, we organize and give it to them.

Why do companies try to make the contracts so complicated and they always try to screw some teachers out of the basic things like airfare.....?

Then when the teachers complain... they get fired and they dont get their salaries......

The teachers need to organize. I am tired of illigit companies in China screwing over the teachers.

There is a simple way to do a contract, YOU WORK, YOU GET PAID. Forget all the little things and this and that, just add it into the working pay. Why do they want to make the contracts so complex, so they can find something to screw us out of, like airfare.....

Teachers stick together. If you work as a team, you can win as a team.

Messages In This Thread
When Foreigners Revolt! -- Fidel -- 2005-01-30
The good, the bad, and the Chinese -- Jeff -- 2005-01-30
teaching in china -- sheri -- 2005-02-05
Not so simple -- Dos -- 2005-01-30
equal pay table -- Jeff -- 2005-01-31
yeah and... -- Jeff -- 2005-01-30
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