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DitheringPidderPaddle - 2009-06-12
In response to Re: Private training centers using CALL (Turino)

Below is a post by Turino, and I will point out what I will talk about now, within his post, and that is arrogance. Some foreign teachers who come here, are quite arrogant, Pease read Turino's own post and you will se for yourself a problem that is quite common in China. All of my comments are marked with four !!!!

I was told it was because I couldn't produce my postgraduate teacher-training certificate.In fact,the original had been 'lost' at a previous college in Northern China.

!!!!I find this hard to believe. I have heard this before from other teachrs who simply lack a degree at all, the old "I lost it at another school" basically infering that the school itself help on to the original, which no one would be dumb enough to give a school. I find it unlikely that Turino has a degree, and is using this excuse to explain that away. This also says that, since he has no degree to get the aforementioned Z visa, that he is working here illegally, big surprise.

I told the college Waiban he needn't tell me stupid lies - I knew the situ,and that I'd be happy to 'oblige them' by going on teaching on my long L,I've a Chinese wife,you see.

!!!!Yes well that's all fine and dandy, but it's illegal, and no one likes being told what to do. Maybe his problem wasn't the visa, but your attitude, one that is clearly superior.

And if they didn't agree,I'd insist on going to the polis.

!!!!Good for you, except you would get deported, which is not so good for you.

By the way,they'd an Aussie without a Chinese wife teaching there who did the HK visa run to get a Z after teaching illegally with an L for 6 weeks.

!!!!Yes well they "had" an aussie who did somethign similar doesn't realy matter, we all know how quikcly ther visa laws change here, what is sure one day is unsure the next. You sure sound like you have a sense of entitlement, something far to common with foreigners here.

And a Filipino who took a second medical within 2 months of entering China,because he'd been 'let go' by a foreign language school in another province after having taken a medical there,because the Provincial Waiban where we were demanded he took another one,despite the writing on the certificate in English on the first one saying it was valid for 1 year!Of course,I took no medical as I didn't need a resident's permit...LOL!

!!!!But didn't you just say prior that you wanted a Z visa, were denied one because you could not produce your supposed "degree" and this made you angry? Now you say you did not want a residence permit, which is what you actually need to live and work here legally at the same time. You seem to be confused, and contradicting yourself wildly, arrogantly expecting not to me challenged on these glaring contradictions. Think again.

Because the college didn't offer me a contract for 6 weeks,and I knew the contract required one to ask permission first before taking up a second teaching job,I took one up,at a TC.

!!!!This seems like bad faith to be. Were you being paid at this time? Now I'm confused, either you were working there, or not. Are you speaking of what you did before you started working, or before you signed a contract, because these two things are not the same. You need to be more clear, much more clear. If you did indeed take another job knowing that the place you were to sign a contract with did not like this, I'd say that was bad faith big time. It is what an arrogant person would do though, who has a sense of self entitement.

All of the teachers there had short L's,and were so worried about their 'performances' in class in front of parents.Some were black,others were white.They didn't trust each other and were groveling weasels to their TA's.They were afraid to smoke in the building,unlike me!

!!!!Ah yes well you are such a tough guy, so courageous, and of course the rules do not apply to you.

The teachers the TC wanted to discard were told the Z visa was impossible.The ones required to stay were told to keep quiet,and the Z would be no problem!Those beggar louwai cheated each other for filthy money!

!!!!Did they, how did they do that? You really seem to have contempt for your fellows big time. I have to wonder why you are here, to help others, or be superior to them. Interesting.

I didn't care about working at the TC - to me it was just a job to spite the dishonest college.

!!!!The dishonest college that would not get you a Z visa because you did not have a college degree, but you wer fine with working their illegally, am I missing something?

When the contract was signed at long last at the college,the boss didn't give me a copy.It so happened the next day,a Sunday,I saw the Aussie and spoke to him re said contract.He said he was too pissed to remember about it - a likely story!

!!!!So now there is a conspiracy and the Aussie is in on it. Hmm.

I got a copy on the Monday after complaining,and taught there for 10 months with an L!

!!!!Seems you worked 10 months illegally, OK, not smart to cal others dishonest though. Seems you also got a copy of the contract when you asked for it. No, you don't sound arrogant at all.

After signing up,I had told the college Waiban about the TC,and pointed out to him that I hadn,t broken the college contract because it hadn't been signed prior to the time I had quit the TC.

!!!!Interesting take, but I don't blame the guy for calling, he's in business, yet you take it personal that he wanted to make sure. You seem to take a lot personal, something a superior being should not do.

Guess what,the college Waiban called the TC to check if I was still teaching there - no luck for him,I'm not foolish,unlike the Chinese!

!!!!That remains to be seen. Working for a year on an L visa doesn't sound like the height of brilliance.

Later I told him he needn't have done that as I'm not a liar!Finally,let me say I'm not hiding from anyone,and I'm not afraid of trouble either.

!!!!Good for you, you smoke in non-smoking sections, and you are not foolish or afraid of anyone. Why we need to know this I don't know, but I can't get the image of a strutting peacock out of my head.

What will be,will be.Que sera,sera!Don't worry,Turnoi.I know how to do here in accordance with my personal requirements.Where I am now,I've been assured of PROTECTION!No problems at all envisaged!Thx anyway for your concern!

!!!!Protection? Protection from who. Forgive me saying so, but you sound downright paranoid. Folks, please do not post like this, we foreign teacher shave enough trouble being taken seirously without posts of this nature making us look like clowns. No offense is intended, I simply take offense to "teachers" like this Turino making amockery of us all with their arrogance. Let's dial it back a bit eh.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Private training centers using CALL -- Turino -- 2009-06-11
Re: Private training centers using CALL -- DitheringPidderPaddle -- 2009-06-12
Re: Private training centers using CALL -- Turino -- 2009-06-12
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