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MAC - 2009-06-14

THe Days of Reckoning has arrived... REJOICE!!! REJOICE!!! REJOICE!!!

Last FRIDAY 12th of June The Tian Shuo Company in Changchun was raid by the Provincial PSB in Jilin Province by the report of certain individual or rival company. The PPSB retrieve more or less 60 passports of different nationalities and some other documents pertaining to the scrupolous dealings of the said company led of course by the matriarch Mama Wang who is now allegedly ( not yet clear about it) being detained and more or less be convicted upon the investigations one by one with the passport holders by the PPSB. Maggie and Kiki are now hybernatting somewhere but they are still included in the warrant and under investigation too. I never heard about the patriarch Papa Yu who was then the Chief of PSB of Tonghua Jilin Province.The reason why they have a good tie with Changchun PSB aside from Maggie being the mistress of one of the high ranking official of CC PSB and Kiki at the same time, who lucratively include some high ranking officials in their payroll. It was not the Changchun PSB who did the raid beacuse they are afraid that there will be again collusion knowing that they have good relationship with Tian Shuo. Also the reason why the Changchun PSB is on the hot water now.

Now the point here is that all our time will come, whether we like it or not. Their greed for money ate them up. To the extent that they treated their employees like animals( I am a living witness) FT's in Changchun taught they are the most powerful in Jilin Province. They lurks to all their preys, but God is not sleeping. And I am hoping that everybody will be given what is due to them.... to the victims JUSTICE!!! to the culprits proper punishment... And hope Tian Shuo will be uprooted and will lay into rest. And not be given again a chance to rise. I hope that the PPSB will be true to what they see is wrong no matter who they are.

May this served as A WARNING to all scrupolous and crappy TRAINING CENTERS, SCHOOLS, RECRUITERS et al. May this served as a great WAKE UP CALL to all of you. THINK TWICE!!!

and to this FORUM let's us continue banging our tables and cans... let us make noise!!! to be heard!!!
If I have something new or update I will post it again. and to others share what you've heard about the news.

I know that the investigation is going on and hopefully the testimonies of the passport holders will be sufficient enough to show that there is a probable cause to put ALL THE CULPRITS BEHIND THE BARS...

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