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Poppy Parkes - 2005-02-07
In response to Kuwait National English School (CB)

Having been in kuwait for a few years and witnessed the annual migration of teachers who simply can't hack the Middle East, I am not surprised to read bitter reviews in your forum.
However, When teachers arrive at schools , having lied about their credential and teaching qualifications and experience, it is not surprising that:
a) the Ministry will find out and not accept them as teachers ( when they are not) at any school especially where there is a Special Educational Needs Department. The Ministry actually pay for the private education of these Kuwaiti students and expect quality education. KNES provides that. Present Teachers have Masters degrees, Diplomas, Bachelor degrees or certificates in Special Education. Even some of the Teaching Assistants have teaching degrees from their own countries. b) the school is then in the difficult position of trying to appease the Ministry and apologise for the deceit of others. The school is then left with surplus teachers as they have to recruit more to replace the liars.

When a school goes through the CIS proces, is it not fair to expect everyone to participate or should the workload be placed on the shoulders of a few whilst others take their pay, complain and threaten to write to the newspapers?
These are just some of the behavioural tactics of writers on this forum. Hence they were sacked within their probationary period. Sadly the school must now pay for trying to higher it's standards by reading libellous comments on websites and the attempt of those with sour grapes to prevent other teachers from exploring the opportunities to work in a different but great cultural atmosphere. Is this fair? Every School makes mistakes in certain areas and we need to learn from them. K.N.E.S has certainly learned to check out the credentials of staff thanks to last term's experiences.
In addition, the persons concerned last term cheated the bank out of at least 21,000 US dollars in unpaid credit cards.Does anyone in Kuwait regret their departure...I hear a resounding...NO!

Messages In This Thread
Kuwait National English School -- CB -- 2004-12-06
Re: Kuwait National English School -- Christopher -- 2008-02-27
Kuwait National English School -- Poppy Parkes -- 2005-02-07
Think Twice (If its a good offer....) -- A Suffering Student -- 2005-01-16
kuwait national english school -- buffy the vampire slayer -- 2005-01-09
Kuwait National English School -- Susan -- 2004-12-22
KNES -- Fred Flintstone -- 2005-01-08
Great school Link -- anthony -- 2005-01-22
KNES -- wyn -- 2005-02-06
Give KNES a break! -- Jake Hammond -- 2005-02-07
knes good or bad -- previous teacher -- 2005-02-12
KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- Arabian Knight -- 2007-04-02
Re KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- lerc -- 2011-02-16
realy funy -- knes -- 2005-02-07
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