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HireEd - 2009-07-06
In response to How do I improve English Corner (steve)

Hi, Steve. Many foreign teachers dislike doing ECs for many of the reasons you mentioned. I was thrown into them as soon as I began teaching in China (mostly in training centers) and I quickly learned to love them. I thought of them more as a sort of "talk show" where I was drawing out students and facilitating discussion. I always had a topic prepared, but didn't always tell that to the students; encouraging them to initiate their own topics instead, which usually triggered more lively discussions. I found if I was too prepared, then the EC could almost become a sort of "lecture," which many students like, but it does not help improve their English-speaking skills. In the beginning, the attendees are likely to ask you the stock questions regarding your background (family, home country, likes/dislikes, etc.) That's fine in the beginning, but whenever someone asks me such questions, I return the same question to them.

The big problem can be when some students come consistently (and therefore, oldies) while others come for the first time. The new ones will ask the same old questions you answered in the beginning, because they too, want to be more familiar with you. When that situation occurred, I asked the students who knew me well to tell the new ones the answers to the question.

Again, even though I always had a discussion topic ready, I would always say to students: "I'm not a topic machine," which usually got a laugh. I tried also to alternate "fun" topics with a more serious one the next time.

Keep in mind that Chinese students are not encouraged to speak their perosnal opinion about things, and so when you ask them to do so, they like it, but are somewhat afraid to do it, as they have been conditioned against it. Also, they fear what others will think of their personal opinions. Group mentality is very important and individual opinions are discouraged. My students came to trust that I would create an environment where personal expression was fostered and supported (and by that I don't mean that necessarily agreed with people's various opinions).

Some time I would bring a short newspaper article to read together (dividing readings among them to encourage speaking and pronunciation) and then ask them to express their thoughts/ideas about the article's topics. This usually worked very well.

Gain their trust. Let them know that ALL speaking is encouraged, and that skill levels cannot elevate if they don't speak up.

Some attendees will be completely silent in the beginning -- just watching and observing (remember, they're terrified of making a mistake and being ridiculed by others), but in time (and the positive atmosphere you create) they will eventually speak up.

Have fun, and make the EC yours. Everyone has a different approach/style. Even of the listeners cannot understand everything you say, they will certainly know if you are enjoying yourself, or not. Of all the teaching I did in China, ECs are what I miss most.

Also, one more bit of advice. If you throw a question to the group, allow for a LONG pause before a repsonse. This is usually because they are translating your questionm in their head, forming and answer in Chinese, and then translating into English. Don't assume n one wants to answer the question, they are just preparing. Also, as you get know the students better, it is better to direct questions to individuals. If you throw out a question to the group, even though someone wants to speak, they are afraid of going first. Even native speakers are that way in public forums.

Again, I hope you enjoy, and the more you do, the easier (hopefully) ECs will become.

Messages In This Thread
How do I improve English Corner -- steve -- 2009-07-06
Re: How do I improve English Corner -- HireEd -- 2009-07-06
Re: How do I improve English Corner -- tip -- 2009-07-06
Re: How do I improve English Corner -- HireEd -- 2009-07-06
Re: How do I improve English Corner -- HireEd -- 2009-07-06
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