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Yingwen Laoshi - 2009-07-07
In response to Re: Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion (bishopboss)

You don't seem to realize that FTs like yourselves, being "respectful and compliant" to an employer who wouldn't urinate on you if you were on fire, are helping to perpetuate their actions. While I very much sympathize, the following questions need to be asked:-

If there were a wide range of options in the very city in which you were getting taken for a ride, why pray, did you not tell your employer to "stick his job where the Sun doesn't shine", and avail yourselves of one of those options?

How can they "Force" adult professional teachers to work six days when the contract says five?

Why did you even sign the contract in the first place once you knew it was different from that which you received back home?

As there are posts in this thread clearly stating that this school is a nightmare to work for, why did you even consider going to Kid Castle, anyway?

Do you not realize that corrupt school owners in China, cackle and rub their hands in glee when they catch sight of FTs "eager...to perform their best" for a dishonest and corrupt employer whose sole intention is to exploit you every day that you work for them?

Were you and your husband born with masochistic tendencies or did you acquire them later in life?

If the previous warnings about this school were unheeded by yourselves:"Two fully qualified, hard-working, dedicated teachers" do you think that this post will be much help in stopping this school from carrying on with its cheating agenda?

Do you think your employer respected you more or less for "Enduring painful working conditions"?

Do you think that ANYBODY should respect you for allowing somebody to treat you like a piece of cloth used to wipe the toilet seat?

How can conditions that you described such as, "No gas for months, no curtains, no heating, toilet issues" be described as a "Fantastic home"?

As the old Cockneys back in London used to say:

"Are you real?"

FTs like yourselves are part of the problem, not the solution.

Messages In This Thread
Kids Castle - Teachers Discussion -- KS -- 2006-08-28
Re Kids Castle - Teachers Discussion -- Joe -- 2015-08-12
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- SKeane -- 2012-12-05
Concern - Teachers Discussion -- Teacher -- 2006-11-14
Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Karen -- 2007-07-12
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Ruan Burnett -- 2012-04-05
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Dragana -- 2015-11-16
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Tami -- 2015-11-09
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Dragana -- 2015-11-16
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- t p synn001 -- 2014-05-07
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Mr Laoshi -- 2014-12-15
Xi'an is notorious -- Twice Shy -- 2015-08-16
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Steven -- 2014-05-08
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- San Migs -- 2012-04-06
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Dragonized -- 2012-04-05
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- Ruan Burnett -- 2012-07-29
Re: Kid Castle Xi'an China - Teachers Discussion -- San Migs -- 2012-04-06
BlakeS's evolving nightmare - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-28
Visa Details for the Horror Story - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-28
Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-28
Re: Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion -- bishopboss -- 2009-07-07
You "Complied?" -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2009-07-07
Re: Spread The Word! - Teachers Discussion -- Turino -- 2009-07-07
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