View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › The intellectual meaning of life at home and abroad according to Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau
HireEd - 2009-07-19

Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau "MA,PhD,DPh(ongoing research) Teaching English Professor Cum Private English Tutor" offers:

"It's not necessary for an English teacher who teaches English in China to know where he comes from. As long as a person's specialization is teaching English, he or she should understand China is the best job market in the world regardless of what country he/she is from. If an English teacher doesn't know about this, who would say he/she is a qualified international English teacher/international job seeker?

He or she may be very poor or rich in his/her home country and might not be accepted in his or her community once, as long as a person's major is teaching English and teaches English as his or her profession atleast for a year or 2 in China, his/her qualification is valid regardless of how his/her community back home think of him or her. As long as the Chinese people, employer and students in China know who their foreign English teacher is, it will make his or her education or job in China recognized by his/her people in his/her home country. It depends more on the Chinese government, and the Chinese people how they value foreign English teachers and educators of their own country.

I have never heard of people who worked or earned a degree or certificate from the west especially from the USA or the UK couldn't be recognized by his or her community back home regardless of their nationality whether they are from third world or developing countries. Even in China people who came back from the west have been recognized and respected. Why?

It's not because who they are but because of the metality and philosophy of those countries in the west. Those governments and the people therein think being in their own country is great. Moreover,they value people who had been to their country for work or self-education very much and at the same time give support financially and politically when they go back home. So everything seems OK for those people who had been to the west even when they get back to their respective countries and communities though they were not accepted once in their own communities.

The same situation can be applied and can happen in China as well. I am a self-educated person in China and looked for a teaching English job because it's related to my heuristic research subject. I have completed a PhD level research self education in China and if the mentality and philosophy of the Chinese government, Chinese education ministry and the local people give support politically and financially to me, my work experience, heuristic research education and my degree from China will automatically be recognized in my home country, Myanmar as well. It's no doubt about it.

But instead, I faced a lot of problems such as being cheated by the recruiters, borrowing money from friends in China whereas I have a completed PhD degree and got a professorship of my own. Many employer said they didn't accept international English teacher who had been teaching English in China in the past which means the Chinese government and Chinese people don't value themselves being in China, and they don't even care about people who are educated in Chinese education institutions in China. So I can't get name in my own country because the poor mentality and philosophy that the Chinese government and Chinese people have though I once was well accepted already in my own community.

Therefore, I accepted the idea that for a person, his/her education and degrees to be recognized by his/her home country and community, the Chinese government's policy on how they value foreigners who are educated personals in their own country, and their philosophy and mentality on a person's being educated in China are more countable for consideration in this matter. However good my heuristic education in China maybe, unless the Chinese government and Chinese people give supports financially(good job) or politically(recommendation), it would merely be self-accountable education.] I can't get name or better recognition in my home country in this case, at the same time Chinese government and Chinese people will lose their fame in my country instead and create a low profile for themselves by this way.

I am sure the same theory and philosophy is applicable in your situtation as well."

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Whew! I'm exhausted now, and not sure where I come from anymore, but according to Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau "MA,PhD,DPh(ongoing research) Teaching English Professor Cum Private English Tutor", it is not necessary.

By The way, Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau "MA,PhD,DPh(ongoing research) Teaching English Professor Cum Private English Tutor", where do I enroll for one of those "self-taught" PhD degree programs??? Borat University?

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The intellectual meaning of life at home and abroad according to Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau -- HireEd -- 2009-07-19
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