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Yingwen Laoshi - 2009-07-30
In response to Re: To the "Jury" (meipang)

There's no knicker twisting going on over here; just a person with a different view to yourself.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do or think. That's your choice and you're entitled to it. My purpose was simply to state that I thought you were being unreasonable. I also stated why. I never accused you of being racist, either.

It's your choice of course but you might like to think over the following questions; you don't have to reply to them, and they are not supposed to constitute an interrogation. However, they may help you to understand my objections to your views:-

If you don't feel comfortable with somebody disagreeing with your view, why did you post such an extreme view on a public discussion forum?

If you can't stand 95% of the foreigners in China, no matter what their skin colour is, why pick out only Africans to discriminate against?

When you say that you won't bother with any Africans at all who apply for work at your school because of your previous bad experiences with them, does that not make your actions prejudiced and unreasonable?

Do you realize that Africa is not a country, but a continent made up of around 50 countries?

Does The "Manliness" of African men make you feel insecure or inadequate?

You complain about Chinese prejudice and how they look down on foreigners, including whites. Your personal experience of this upset you enough to make you feel that you may assault someone in the future. As you look down on Africans and treat them with prejudice, don't you think that makes you a hypocrite?

Why is a person pathetic just because he thinks he may enjoy a better life in another country?

The following sentences in bold, are direct quotes from your posts on this topic:-

I'm somewhat, um, big and I can't walk anywhere without hearing comments about fat white people. (Every once in a while, against my better judgement, I've yelled at some guy that I'm fat because my country is rich and his has been poor for a few thousand years

Some day you'll read an account of a white guy assaulting a Chinese guy after one too many "fat" comments. That'll be me.

If the truth be told I can't stand about 95% of the foreigners I meet here no matter what color their skin is. It's seems nothing short of a crap shoot to find decent, qualified folks here to teach English. I'm simply playing percentages. My PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with African men here has been overwhelmingly negative.

Right now, truthfully, I'm just sick of China. If the present unemployment rate at home weren't close to 10% I'd probably just go home.

I know you included yourself in the following advice you gave to others, but based on the quotes above, should you really be telling others this, while you are still in China?

A quote from yourself:-

For many Africans, being subjected to "racism" in China beats living in a country as badly run and impoverished as theirs is. What I say to them, just like I say to myself and every other foreigner is: Go home if you can't take it anymore. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

That's all folks!

Messages In This Thread
To the "Jury" -- Yingwen Laoshi, -- 2009-07-28
Re: To the "Jury" -- meipang -- 2009-07-29
Re: To the "Jury" -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2009-07-30
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